How to Write an Effective Business-for-Sale Listing
Georgia Association of Business Brokers can now post business-for-sale listings on the new GABB website. But, as BizBuySell points out, it’s important to create a well-written online listing. You want to attract qualified buyers. According to BizBuySell’s latest demographic survey, business buyers tend to be college educated and earn over $100,000 per year. Buyers are more likely to respond to listings with these specific attributes, according to the website.
1. Specify a location.
Most buyers search for a business by state, many by a specific county. Confidential listings receive more views when they included a location.
2. The listing appears in their search category.
More than a third of prospective business buyers search in a specific category of business. You can improve that percentage by selecting two or more appropriate categories for your listing.
3. Include key financials.
Most buyers want to know the asking price, followedg by cash flow. Including these important financial details makes it easier for serious buyers to find your listing in a search and contact you.
4. A great headline.
“Profitable coffee shop in busy shopping mall,” and other headings with key details are better than “popular cafe.”
5. A well-written description.
A good description has all the essential facts, such as the business’s strengths and potential, number of employees, the owner’s reason for selling, and opportunities for expansion. Beware of exaggerations. A hyped-up listing will alienate serious buyers.
6. An attractive photo.
Even if you cannot use a photo of the actual business for confidentiality reasons, you should still post a stock photo. A good site to find generic, free stock photos is Pexels. The GABB administrator can also help you find photos. Buyers are more likely to notice listings with photos.
7. Seller financing!
Experienced business brokers know that financing is one obstacle in selling a business. So it’s a huge advantage if the owner is willing to carry part of the financing. Seller-financed businesses are more likely to sell than those that are not.
8. Broker contact details.
Your listing should include details on how to reach you easily. Every prospective buyer should receive a response from their inquiry within the first 24 hours. A slow response might mean you miss a qualified buyer.
The GABB website’s new listing feature is still undergoing improvements, so please let us know if you have suggestions for using this feature. To date, this feature is included in your GABB broker membership at no additional charge. For help with this feature, please contact GABB Executive Director Diane Loupe at or GABB President Dean Burnette at 912-247-3209 or