GABB Proxy Request/Make Reservations for Dec. 5 Gala
Dear GABB member,
Send Proxy for Nov. 26 Meeting: We look forward to seeing everyone at the November 26, 2013 meeting, when business and tax attorney Germaine Curtin, Chris Fonzi of Logic Environmental and Cheryl Beer of Cornerstone Bank will discuss legal, environmental and lending issues related to buying or selling a business.
Every November the association takes a few minutes to elect the leadership for the next calendar year. If you are not going to be at the meeting (which is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving) and you are an active member of the association, please e-mail a “Proxy” notification to either Matt Slappey ( or to Jeff Merry ( and either designate one of them as your proxy, or notify them of the GABB member to which you assign your voting rights for this meeting. We recommend that this be a person who will be present at the November 26th meeting. This will help us ensure that we have enough votes (a quorum) to complete this annual requirement.
GABB’s annual Holiday Gala is set for Maggiano’s on the evening of Thursday, December 5. All GABB members and affiliates may bring one guest to this festive evening of fellowship and wonderful food. We ask that each guest bring one, new, unwrapped toy to be donated to Children’s Hospital of Atlanta. There will be no other charge unless a person not signed up attends, or someone signs up and doesn’t show, in which case we will charge $25 per head for those not compliant. GABB does this to insure an accurate head count.
GABB’s monthly meetings are free and open to the public. Networking begins at 9:45 a.m. with a free light breakfast before the groups 10:30 a.m. meeting.
Thank you!