Auto Repair Business and Real Estate Serving Savannah Area for 44 Years
Auto Repair Business and Real Estate Serving Savannah Area for 44 Years

The Combination of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, 10 bay fully equipped facility, and talented, dedicated technicians, make this business an admired place to work and own. There is room to grow even beyond the current revenue performance which exceeds $800,000 annually.
They are willing to support and train for a pre-determined period of time.
Located on a main street with easy access in and out there is ample parking for customers. The entire lot is fenced in and a security system is in place for the building.
Furniture and equipment list includes a high tech Snap-On diagnostic scanner, a gym full of exercise equipment, numerous pieces of shop equipment vital to the industry, one forklift, 2 parts washers, various chairs for seating in waiting room, tv, washer and dryer, several desks, 2 printers, 3 computers; break room furniture including microwave, refrigerator, table and chairs .
Operating for over 44 years, this business is a highly regarded and recognized automotive brand. They’re known as a company that genuinely cares about its customers. They have the knowledge and technology to accurately diagnose and repair vehicles. Customers come from as far as 2 hours away in many directions to have them service and repair their vehicles. They are hesitant to diagnose/condemn a part or problem over the phone, as many of their competitors do. They are fair and honest and receive daily referrals from other shops in the area that do not perform drivetrain repairs. This is due to their trust in this company to take care of their customers as they would.
The Combination of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, 10 bay fully equipped facility, and talented, dedicated technicians, make this business an admired place to work and own. There is room to grow even beyond the current revenue performance which exceeds $800,000 annually.
The building has additional office space that is separate from the main operating areas that can be rented out for additional income.
The overall facility is very well maintained. Inventory hovers at $30,000 and is categorized and organized. The facility exceeds 11,000 square feet at a market competitive purchase price of $730,000. And, the business and real estate have been Pre-Approved by a lender for acquisition with a down payment of $110,000.
They are highly regarded by the community and their vendors. Their employees are like family. Unlike many shops, there is no drama there. Everyone gets along exceptionally well.
This opportunity calls for some experience in the automotive category. Bottom line; there is support. The current owner will offer a smooth transition plan for the right buyer providing on-site training and assistance for a reasonable and negotiable period of time.
While there are other auto repair shops in the area, this shop has been in business for nearly 50 years with an extremely strong customer base. The business has an excellent web presence and many great reviews that makes it stand out from the competition.
There is room for business growth currently by operating more than 5 days per week. Additional revenue can be generated by renting part of the property.
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