Paul Stabler
Paul Stabler
Work phone: (404) 451-4605
Cell phone: 404-451-4605
Biographical Info
Paul Stabler grew up in New Orleans, and then Dallas TX where he attended public high school. He graduated from the University of Texas, Austin, TX with a Finance degree. He earned a pilot’s license while a student at UT so as to more easily attend UT football games around the Southwest. He graduated from the American Graduate School of International Management in Glendale, AZ with a degree in Intl Marketing. International jobs followed graduate school: Assistant to the Managing Director, Pfizer Taito Pharmaceutials, Tokyo, Japan, distributing Pfizer’s broad-band antibiotics in Pacific countries; Exclusive Distributor for Ford Motor Company Export, Tehran, Iran; Distributor for Standard Oil of Ohio, Silmar Polyester Resin Division, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo, Brasil; American Broadcasting Company, Export Manager, Music Division, Beverly Hills, California. In 1984 Mr. Stabler moved to Atlanta and joined Coldwell Banker Commercial (now CBRE) as an Industrial Sale and Leasing agent. He subsequently started his own firm specializing in family-owned businesses that purchased or leased warehouses or manufacturing facilities. As those clients grew their businesses over the years some were ready to sell. Stabler Commercial Real Estate has served those businesses in their evolution, often working with 2 generations of family ownership.