Pratt’s Stats: Second Quarter 2015 Private Deal Update
The information linked below is excerpted from the Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update: 2nd Quarter 2015, which is copyrighted by and available exclusively from Business Valuation Resources, LLC.
Because GABB members contribute transaction details to Pratt’s Stats on closed business sales, GABB offers access to this valuable business tool as a benefit of membership. Brokers who records transactions also receive the complete Private Deal Update plus three months of free access to the database for each deal included in Pratt’s Stats.
The quarterly Pratt’s Stats Private Deal Update (PDU) provides general trend information on valuation multiples and profit margins for transactions in the Pratt’s Stats database, available exclusively through Business Valuation Resources, LLC (BVR). Business brokers, merger and acquisition professionals, business appraisers, financial advisors, investment bankers and many others use the Pratt’s Stats database to determine the value of their subject company by applying the market approach with comparable company data.
Pratt’s Stats is the premier source for private business purchase details and includes both private and public buyers with over 100 data points that highlight the financial and transactional details of the business sales. As of the publication date, the Pratt’s Stats database contains 16,100 transactions in which the buyer was a private party. The database includes over 23,034 transactions in which a privately held company
was sold to either a private or public buyer.
If you are a GABB member and want to find out more about our Pratt’s Stats account and password, contact GABB Executive Director Diane Loupe at or 404-374-3990.
Pratt’s Private Deal Update 2Q15