Asphalt Business in Bristow, Oklahoma 30 min from Tulsa! Net Profit $132,000 Yearly!
Asphalt Business in Bristow, Oklahoma 30 min from Tulsa! Net Profit $132,000 Yearly!
Yearly sales are over $327,000!
Yearly Net Profit is over $132,000 AFTER paying a Labor and Subcontract work of more than $121,000 per year, as well as all other expenses!
Buyer can take home over $144,000 in yearly net profit if equipment is stored at Buyer's personal residence!
Equipment included in the business is valued at $83,000!
Only 5 Star Reviews on Google!
HUGE opportunity to increase market share with over 600 new residences being built nearby.
The equipment is currently being stored in the seller's personal home. Cost is roughly $1,000 per month in rent to lease a 600 sq ft space to store the equipment!
Business includes FOUR trucks! Two half-ton pickup trucks, one 1-ton pickup truck, and one dump truck!
Seller has acquired new equipment, including a new $33,000 Truck, which is part of the sale! Buyer will have less equipment rental expense!
Area within 20 miles of Bristow, OK is forecasting a 2.8% increase in population over 5 years.
A new residential development in South Sand Springs - The subdivision will tentatively boast 135 single-family home lots in a variety of sizes, with many greenbelt properties, walking trails, and other features.
Subdivision development adjacent to Nokesville Road - Includes a mix of more than 200 detached single-family homes and townhomes.
New housing development - The first phase of the development will be the construction of 50 new homes!
Community development - 516 new homes to be built near Devlin and Linton Hall roads in Bristow!
Asking Price for Business-only: $229,000!
Equipment included in the business is valued at $83,000!
If interested, please call or text us anytime at (770) 664-9999 or email your full name and best contact number to